795 N. Grandview
Valinda, CA - 91744
(626) 933-4915
Welcome to the Grandview - HPUSD page. Head Start Program information along with details, maps, and photos are below.
Head Start Program Details, hours, photos, information: Grandview - HPUSD
Hacienda La Puente Unified School District (HPUSD) operates Head Start centers located at various schools. You must meet federal poverty guidelines to be eligible. If you are considering enrolling your child in our Head Start program you will need to bring the following documents with you: Your child's Birth Certificate; Your child's immunization record; Your Picture I.D. or Driver's License; Proof of Addess; Proof of Income. Any questions regarding these documents, please call our registration office staff at (626) 933-6547 or 6549.
To enroll fill out Intake Form (English) or (Spanish) and email it to us at sabeltran@hlpusd.k12.ca.us or Fax to (626) 855-7015 or mail/bring to Student Services Center, 455 N. Glendora Ave, La Puente CA 91744.
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