5550 Memorial Blvd
to, PA - 18466
(570) 894-3272
Welcome to the Coolbaugh Head Start page. Head Start Program information along with details, maps, and photos are below.
Head Start Program Details, hours, photos, information: Coolbaugh Head Start
Eligibility/ApplyEligibility (tm) Monroe County Residency (tm) Meet family income requirementsApplication Process (tm) Parents fill out Pre-Registration Form (tm) If you qualify, PSFC sends you a letter with an appointment date (tm) During your interview the application is completedPlease bring the following documents with you to your appointment:1. Your child's birth certificate2. Social Security Numbers for everyone in the household3. Your child's immunization record4. Your child's medical insurance card5. Your child's physical (within the past 12 months)6. Information pertaining to other services your child may be receiving (including: WIC, Easter Seals, IU20)7. If receiving Food Stamps bring confirmation letter from DPW.8. Income verification for ALL sources of income in the PAST 12 MONTHSPSFC reviews your file and available slots are awarded on a points system. You will be notified of PSFC's decision, start date, or waiting list slot.If you have any questions o
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