1940 S. Lauderdale Street
Memphis, TN - 38106
(901) 948-2868
Welcome to the Blooming Scholars Daycare Center page. Head Start Program information along with details, maps, and photos are below.
Head Start Program Details, hours, photos, information: Blooming Scholars Daycare Center
How do I enroll my child into the Head Start / Early Head Start program?Your child must have reached the age of three by September 30 (a date set by the Memphis City School Board) of any given year and be less than the age of six in order to be eligible for the Head Start program. To be eligible for the Early Head Start program, your child must be at least six weeks old and less than the age of three.For both programs, your family as a whole must meet the income requirements, which are based on the number of individuals living in your household. Because this is a program for low-income families, your annual income must be under the guidelines set by the federal government.Once you have met all of the above requirements, the next step is to choose the head start center you would like your child to attend and submit an enrollment form for each child that you are want to enroll. The completion of an enrollment form does not guarantee enrollment of your child. The enrollment form is rev
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