A Childs World
600 Ridley Cir
Newport News, VA - 23607
(757) 247-0149
Welcome to the A Childs World page. Head Start Program information along with details, maps, and photos are below.

600 Ridley Cir
Newport News, VA - 23607
(757) 247-0149
Welcome to the A Childs World page. Head Start Program information along with details, maps, and photos are below.
Head Start Program Details, hours, photos, information: A Childs World
There is no fee for Head Start or Early Head Start.
Enrollment is primarily for low income families who would otherwise not be able to afford a preschool experience.
Children with disabilities are welcome.
Head Start embraces the entire family, works hard to help parents become self-sufficient and advocates for their children and the education journey.
All Head Start Centers in Hampton and Newport News, VA are licensed by the State of Virginia.
All education staff meet or exceed the requirements of the Head Start Performance Standards.
Call and make an appointment with a Case Manager at 247-0149 or 246-9170.
Registration for the new program year starts in January.
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User questions and answers
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When is the enrollment period?
Do you have any experience with the office personnel? How were they?
Is this really free?
What type of documentation do I need to apply for head start?
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