1278 Alamarine Drive
Grundy, VA - 24614
(276) 935-2333
Welcome to the Buchanan County page. Head Start Program information along with details, maps, and photos are below.
Head Start Program Details, hours, photos, information: Buchanan County
Eligibility and Enrollment Guidelines In order to fulfill Head Start's performance standard, each program must have a system to identify, recruit, select and enroll children. Buchanan County Head Start's regulations provide the cornerstone of their commitment to serve the population mandated by the legislation. The program recruits and provides services to children and uses the following criteria for recruitment purposes. Children with disabilities are served by Head Start and are eligible for enrollment. 1. Community Needs Assessment 2. Department of Social Services 3. Local Pediatricians4. Local School System 5. Door to door canvassing 6. Head Start Parents 7. Advertisments (Newspaper, Radio etc ) 8. Organizations devoted to specific disability conditions 9. Parent/Staff referrals 10. Community Agencies
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