150 Frank Ogawa Plaza
Oakland, CA - 94612
(510) 238-3165
Welcome to the City of Oakland Early Head Start Home-Based Services page. Head Start Program information along with details, maps, and photos are below.
Head Start Program Details, hours, photos, information: City of Oakland Early Head Start Home-Based Services
Head Start's comprehensive child development program aims to foster social skills and school readiness in children (three to five years old) from low-income families.
The program is based in the philosophy that each child has the right to learn, explore and develop at their own pace.
Parents and staff work as a team to develop and implement a curriculum activity plan for each child.
Children with disabilities are integrated into Head Starts program.
A variety of learning experiences cultivate intellectual, social and emotional growth.
Parents and family members are supported by opportunities to be involved with Head Start activities.
Promoting Positive Health.
Children learn best when they are healthy.
Head Start and family partnership work together to identify and address children's health concerns early to improve their developmental outcomes and to ensure that each child has continuous, accessible health care (including dental and mental health).
Improving Nutrition Children learn best when they are well fed and eat healthy foods.
Head Start serves a nutritious breakfast, lunch and snack daily.
Head Start provides nutrition education and services to children and their families.
Partnering with Families.
Parents have the most significant impact on the growth and development of their child.
Therefore Head Start establishes relationships of respect and mutual trust with families.
Head Start supports parents and families by:
Providing them with many opportunities to be involved in program activitiesAdvocating for themLinking them with community service agencies which support their needs and goals.Eligibility Requirements
Families must be a resident of the City of Oakland.Families must be income eligible. Children are between the ages of three to five. Service Highlights Full and half day program options are available. Head Start welcomes children with disabilities. Head Start welcomes children from all cultures, nationalities and who speak all languages.
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