215 Donohoe Road Greensburg, PA 15601
Greensburg, PA - 15601
Welcome to the Head Start Greensburg - Westmoreland Community Action page. Head Start Program information along with details, maps, and photos are below.
Head Start Program Details, hours, photos, information: Head Start Greensburg - Westmoreland Community Action
Early Childhood Education
The program is FREE and applications can be completed year round. Our Early Childhood programs for children, birth to 5, include Head Start, Early Head Start and Pre-K Counts. These programs support parent and family engagement, optimal child growth and development, and school readiness. To qualify for these programs, families must be residents of Westmoreland County, have children 0-5 years of age and must meet income guidelines. You may qualify if you make less than the 100% column for your family size on the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Download the guidelines and compare your income to the 100% column.
Head Start
The program is FREE and applications can be completed year round. Head Start serves children, ages 3-5, and their families in both center and home-based program options. This program provides pre-Kindergarten learning experiences for young children to help prepare them for a smooth transition into Kindergarten. The overall goal is to promote school readiness. Comprehensive programming is provided through:
Education & Early Childhood Development
Family & Community Engagement
Health & Nutrition
Early Childhood Mental Health & Disabilities
Transportation is provided in selected areas.
Center Operations: Monday through Friday, 6 hours per day
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User questions and answers
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I have been living in nh for many years. My children went to headstart and I had a job created for me until I moved here to Nh. Because of headstart; my family and I have appreciated our basis. I now am working in a preschool in my area; and am happy to come back to my foundation. I will never forget the support of the homevisitors and family support of fsmilies in the centers.