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Welcome to the AREA COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES page. Head Start Program information along with details, maps, and photos are below.
Head Start Program Details, hours, photos, information: AREA COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES
Early Head Start (EHS) is a federally funded program for low-income pregnant women, children age birth to three, and families.
It promotes prenatal health, enhances the development of very young children, and bolsters healthy family functioning.
EHS is now enrolling families in Middletown, Portland, Cromwell, Old Saybrook, Westbrook, and Clinton.
The Early Head Start Program is part of a Birth - Grade 3 Early Childhood Plan developed by the Middletown Community, including the city and the public schools.
Community Early Childhood Councils in the partner towns of Portland, Clinton, and Old Saybrook, are also supporting the alignment of a Birth - Grade 3 agenda by partnering with ACES in implementing EHS.
Currently, Middlesex County has no provider of Early Head Start services.
Thanks to ARRA grant funding, ACES will establish an Early Head Start program to serve 70 pregnant women, very young children, and families in the Middlesex County communities of Middletown, Cromwell, Portland, Clinton, Old Saybrook, and Westbrook.
Based on need, families will receive either home-based or home-and-center-care-based Early Head Start services.
Home visitors will make regular visits to all enrolled pregnant women, infants, and toddlers.
Families will be linked with sources of support including mental, dental, and physical health care providers;
- WIC nutrition assistance and other food programs
- Continuing and adult education classes
- English language classes
- Employment search and assistance services
- Housing assistance programs
- Other supports as indicated by family needs.
Families enrolled in the combination option will also have access to part-time child care that meets rigorous early learning standards.
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