64 Tifton Eldorado Road
Tifton, GA - 31794
(229) 382-5110
Fax Number: (229) 387-6770
Welcome to the Tifton Head Start Center - R L Mack page. Head Start Program information along with details, maps, and photos are below.
Head Start Program Details, hours, photos, information: Tifton Head Start Center - R L Mack
Coastal Plain Area EOA, Inc. offers Head Start, a comprehensive early childhood development program for economically disadvantaged preschool children and their families.
This is one of their locations.
(1) to improve the childs health;
(2) aid the childs intellectual, social, and emotional development;
(3) improve and expand the childs ability for self-expression; and
(4) help both the enrollees and their families gain greater confidence, self-respect, and dignity.
- 3 & 4 year old birthdate by 9/1 (Disability Services Provided)
Provide the Following Information to your head start center:
1. Completed application
2. Certificate of Live Birth
3. Immunization Certificate Form 3231 (Health Department or private Physician)
4. Proof of Income (W-2 Form, Tax Form, TANF listing from Case Worker, or last check stub with Year-to-date earnings, etc.)
5. Medicaid Cards/Insurance Cards
6. Proof of Residency
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