103 Shenandoah Junction Rd
Shenandoah Junction, WV - 25442
(304) 724-9942
Fax Number: (304) 728-7631
Welcome to the TA Lowery Elementary Preschool Center page. Head Start Program information along with details, maps, and photos are below.
Head Start Program Details, hours, photos, information: TA Lowery Elementary Preschool Center
Applicaton InformationHead Start/Pre-K Application InformationRESA 8 Head Start/Pre-K is accepting applications for children who are four years old before September 1, 2009 in Berkeley, Jefferson, and Morgan counties. In Jefferson and Morgan counties, applications are being accepted for the home based program for children who are three years old before September 1, 2009. For applications, please call 304-267-3595.Parents and guardians who have already applied will be receiving notices from us throughout the summer about orientation dates and documents that we still need for your child. Staff members are working part time during the summer, and you can call if you have any questions. In Berkeley County, call 263-5811, Jefferson County, call 724-9942, and Morgan County, call 258-5335. You can also reach us at the main office, 267-3595.We get alot of calls asking what materials children need to bring to class. We supply crayons, paper, etc. The children like to have back packs and t
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