The Children's Center of Cicero Berwyn (Komensky) Details Page

The Children's Center of Cicero Berwyn (Komensky)
2515 S. Cuyler
Berwyn, IL - 60402

Welcome to the The Children's Center of Cicero Berwyn (Komensky) page. Head Start Program information along with details, maps, and photos are below.

Head Start Program Details, hours, photos, information: The Children's Center of Cicero Berwyn (Komensky)

Our programs are accredited by NAEYC's National Academy of Childhood Programs. NAEYC is the National Association for the Education of Young ChildrenThe Children's Center of Cicero & Berwyn primarily serves low income families by combining child and family services offered through state and federal departments of government. We determine eligibility, and apply a sliding co-payment based on family income and size. This allows low income families to access overlapping services that may include Head Start, Pre-Kindergarten, Day Care, After School Care, Parent and Child Programs, and special programs for specific groups in need of child care services. Our registration process allows us to match funding and programs, and to wrap compatible programs together, to offer the widest possible range of services in every case.Full paying families can apply for services on a fee basis. For more information and to see if youqualify please contact us at 708-652-1202 or go to actforchildren.

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User questions and answers

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When is the enrollment period?

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What type of documentation do I need to apply for head start?


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